Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Opening Thoughts

I've been a vegetarian (with a few cheating meals) since I was 16. I thought the first few weeks were tough, but trying to be a vegetarian in Wisconsin is nothing compared to trying to be a vegetarian in Texas. So far, It's been a struggle - my options have basically been limited to salads and pasta, and while these are tasty, one quickly grows tired of eating the same few foods for months. This has been especially difficult in Texas, where some of the best barbecue in the nation (or so I'm told) is made daily, tempting me to stray away from my dietary choices.

Mabee Dining Hall especially is not the ideal place for a vegetarian. Every day, my friends rant about how good all the food is...from the chicken place, from the sushi place, and from the grills. As they do, I silently shuffle to the pasta line for my tofu and vegetable pasta, just like every dinner. Sometimes, if I'm feeling particularly risque, I'll get undercooked, velvety macaroni and cheese and artery clogging fries to go. I've decided that in the next couple of weeks, I might be more adventurous and try some off campus locations. From what I can tell, there are a lot of Mexican restaurants that will be happy to serve me vegetable tortillas. There's also an Indian food restaurant that I know from personal experience serves excellent food for those of us who don't like meat. Any recommendations will be welcome, though - I need to find as much vegetarian food as I can if I hope to survive here for 3 and a half more years. Whenever I'm on campus, though, I'll only a have a few choices of delicious, if repetitive, food.

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