Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Vegetarian Q & A

Whenever people find out I’m a vegetarian, there’s always a common barrage of questions that I get. This is an attempt to try and answer some of the more common questions that I get.
Q: How can you be a vegetarian? Don’t you miss meat?
A: No, not really. The first few weeks were kind of hard, but after awhile you realize that a lot of meat really tasted the same, and you were missing a lot of tasty dishes because you were eating so much junky meat. It’s kind of an eye-opening experience.
Q: Why would you become a vegetarian, anyway?
A: There are a lot of benefits. I feel better, I eat better, and I get the benefit of eating more ecologically sustainable – eating meat is very hard on the planet because it takes a lot of plant matter to make very little meat matter.
Q: But you still eat meat sometimes, right? Or at least seafood?
A: Nope. I don’t cheat anymore (I did the first few months), and I don’t eat fish, since that is still an animal. I do eat eggs, however, since unfertilized eggs never were animals, nor did they have the potential to become animals. A lot of vegetarians eat eggs, but like many vegetarians, I try not to when I can. A vegetarian who eats fish is called a “pescetarian”, and being a pescetarian is a good way to transition to full vegetarianism.
Q: So I’ve heard of being a “vegan.” Is that the same thing as being a vegetarian?
A: It’s similar, it’s basically being a more extreme vegetarian. A normal vegetarian (like myself) doesn’t eat animal flesh, but will eat other animal products like eggs, cheese, and milk – basically anything that you don’t have to kill the animal to get. Vegans don’t eat any animal products at all, even milk, and will often shun other animal products, like leather. I’ve tried to be vegan – it isn’t easy, but I hope to transition to this lifestyle someday.
And that’s it! If you hope to become a vegetarian at Trinity someday, give it a try! You have the options, and now you know what you’re getting into!

Note: All pictures in this post are public domain. For more information visit

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Breakfast at Mabee's

Oddly enough, when you go to Mabee for breakfast when you’re a vegetarian, you simultaneously have the smallest number of mini-restaurants and the largest number of vegetarian options available. The breakfast at Mabee isn’t much, but it has a larger variety of options that all of the other meals at Mabee.

The best thing about breakfast at Mabee is that you can get some protein by having any kind of eggs you want. The hardest part about being a vegetarian is getting enough protein in your diet. In the morning, you can get scrambled eggs, breakfast tacos, the works. It provides you with a much needed boost in order to have a successful day.

In addition to eggs, you can get all of the standard breakfast fare, as well. This includes fresh fruit, pancakes and/or waffles, and a variety of other breakfast foods. The options for breakfast are more bountiful for a vegetarian than at any other part of a day, largely because people don’t really seem to like to eat meat at breakfast. The bottom line is, if you want to be a successful vegetarian, it’s vitally important that every day, you eat a good breakfast (as much of a chliche as that is).

Note: All images in the picture are public domain. For more information, visit