Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Review: The Boca Burger

The Boca Burger from the Coates Commons (colloquially known as the "veggie" burger) is one of the few foods available to the vegetarian at Trinity University, and like any vegetarian food, there's a hearty list of pros and cons to go with it.


1) As far as burgers go, it doesn't taste half bad. It'll never be like the real thing, but if you go to a fast food place like McDonalds, you won't get a burger that tastes like the real thing anyway. Even before I became a vegetarian, I would always get the veggie burger at Burger King, because it tasted a lot better than the real burger. The Coates burger is no different - I'd hazard a guess that it tastes better than a lot of the non-vegetarian food at Trinity, and at a lot of surrounding restaurants.
2) It's a lot healthier for you than a lot of the non-vegetarian food...and even some of the vegetarian food. Sometimes when I can't get a burger, I get mac and cheese and fries at Mabee. Sure, it's vegetarian, but mac and cheese and greasy fries isn't exactly health food. As far as meat goes, there's no chance that a boca burger is worse for you than a greasy sirloin burger. It's also a good source of protein, something vegetarians are always lacking.


1) It tastes pretty good, but sometimes it's not good enough. Whenever I have a veggie burger, I'm reminded about how much I miss the real burgers...and a lot of other types of meat. Slathering it in barbecue sauce helps, but it can only do so much.
2) For reasons scientists are yet to understand, cooking a boca burger at coates takes forever. I normally wouldn't mind waiting 15 minutes for a burger - it's good food, after all - but it always leaves me scratching my head when my boca burger takes 15 minutes when everybody else only has to wait 5 minutes for their burgers. Don't order this burger if you're in a hurry.

The Verdict

If you have time to wait and are thinking about trying some vegetarian food, the boca burger is a good place to start. It fills you up, and you'd think you were eating a real burger - almost.

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